School Policies & Info

 Policies & information

 Education of children is a partnership of home and school. We are very proud and appreciative
of the parental involvement with the school. Communication and information sharing is a vital
part of this team process. This memo is the first of the year and will highlight some important

 There are many topics of information, procedures and expectations printed in the first
section of the student planner. It is important that staff, students and parents have
common understanding to prevent any mixed messages.
 Monthly school newsletter
 Classroom newsletter
 Classroom websites
 Information meetings
 Report cards and interviews – dates are in the student planner

Communication Protocol  Feb. 2010 addition

A. From Town
 Students walking from town are expected to use the tunnel and not to cross the
 Students will use the walkway at the west end of the property connecting with the
sidewalk and not cross the parking lot
 Students should not arrive before 8:45 am and leave promptly at 3:15 pm.
Supervision is not provided outside of these times.
B. On School Bus
 Every rural student has been placed on a specific bus route. If a student is not
riding the bus, it is the parent’s responsibility to notify the driver.
C. Private Vehicles
 A student may drive him/herself if the vehicle is registered at the office and the
rules of usage are followed. (See Student Planner)
 Students are no longer allowed to park in front of the school as we now have a
student parking lot. In this lot, vehicles can park facing the bushes to the west or
the rail to the east; or they can park in the general parking lot facing west towards
the rail. They can also park in the visitor parking section in the far east end of the
parking lot (by the football change shack).
 Parents picking up students must get their child from the classroom or office.
Teachers have been instructed not to let students leave without “seeing” the
 Parents are to pick up and drop off students at the East end of the property and not
drive through the parking lot as there is a safety concern with loading and
unloading the buses.
 Parent conveyance of other students must have paper work:
– School Function – permission form, driving form and criminal record check
– Private Function – permission from both parents
ie) after school pick-up for birthday parties

We appreciate, need and thank parents for following these steps and providing
transportation to sporting events, field trips, etc. But we often don’t think about forms
when transporting to a birthday party or after school play arrangements.
Thank you for keeping our children safe!

D. Parking
Parking in front of the school is reserved and restricted for school buses during
the hours of 8:00-9:00am and 2:30-3:30pm.
Once the students are dismissed at 3:11, all traffic must remain parked until the
buses leave. This applies to visitors, parents, staff and students.
The exception to this is vehicles parking on the west student parking lot, with
their own exit.

If your family is experiencing child custody issues, or has legal documentation
regarding child custody please make sure that the school is informed. We need to
know current status of primary care-givers, visitation rights, sharing of documents, and
decision making ability in regard to students of separated or divorced parents. If we don’t
have any legal documentation, then we assume equal rights for both biological parents.
Please submit copies of relevant legal documents.

All student placements have been made in the best interests of each child. We followed
our process where a team considered academics, work habits, and friendships of the
students. We ask parents to help their children maintain a positive attitude toward their
placement and adjust to changes.


Effective immediately, Administrative Policy No. 413 – Administering Medications and
Medical Treatment to Students – has been slightly revised. A doctor’s signature is no
longer required when parents request administration of medication and provide the
medication in its original container (including the pharmacy label). The pharmacy label
confirms the doctor’s instructions and includes the dosage details.

Medication will not be administered at school if it is not in its original container.

For students who have received medication at school in the past…
A new form is not required, unless there has been a change in medication.

For a new request for medication to be administered during the school day…
Please use the form posted on the website, or contact the school office.

Parents are encouraged to make alternate arrangements for medication outside of the school day
whenever possible. Non-prescription medication will not be administered at school.

To assist in keeping our students safe, Prairie Spirit School Division is instituting a new
policy. Currently, the division requires criminal record checks for all staff members
including caretakers and bus drivers, but the new policy will require a Criminal Records
Check with a Vulnerable Sector Check for all persons working/volunteering with our
students. This extension will affect any non-staff person solely responsible for
supervising, transporting, tutoring, coaching or any other direct duties with students.
There is an exception for parents/guardians working with students under the direct
supervision of a staff member.

If you have not already done so, a Criminal Records check is available from any RCMP
detachment. This documentation is then returned to the school office prior to any
engagement in student activities. A package including the complete policy, letter for the
RCMP and procedural details is available from the school office.

 Due to a sensitivity of some students and staff to cologne and perfume, we would ask
that parents, students and staff refrain from wearing scented products while they are
at school.
 Several students attending our school have extremely serious, life-threatening
allergies to various nuts or nut by-products as well as dairy products. Your
cooperation is greatly appreciated.
 To keep them safe, we ask that all students do not bring any food to school that
contains peanuts. Also, if you are sending treats for the entire class, please check on
the allergies in the class with the teacher.
 If you have a child with severe allergies that could need emergency medications,
please alert the homeroom teacher immediately. A signed permission slip and
physician form is required each year to administer medications to students.

8. MEDICALERT’S – No Child Without Program is at Our School

The No Child Without program offers a free MedicAlert membership to students who attend our
school and are between the ages of 4 up to their 14th
birthday. If your child has a medical
condition, allergy or is required to take medication on a regular basis then you should consider a
free MedicAlert membership through this program.
Your child’s voice in an emergency, MedicAlert membership;
Gives emergency first responders immediate access to your child’s medical information
on their MedicAlert bracelet or necklet
Enables first responders to quickly obtain up to date medical information by means of the
child’s Electronic Health Record through the 24 Hour Emergency Hotline.
Communicates with the parent or emergency contact upon activation of the Hotline
Allows free updates of the child’s medical record as needed

MedicAlert identification can alert school staff, friends, coaches and others about your child’s
medical condition should an emergency occur.

For further information come to the office for a brochure or visit To
register your child you will need a No Child Without brochure from the office.

If your child is already part of the No Child Without program and there have been changes to
their medical condition, medications or emergency contact information, call MedicAlert at 1-
866-679-3220 Ext 1 to update your child’s file.

At Clavet, the philosophy for Senior and Junior sport teams are different. The school has
one Senior competitive team. There are try-outs to become a member of a Senior team.
For the Junior level, every attempt is made to have enough teams for all the students who
wish to participate and learn the appropriate skills. But to facilitate this we need and rely
on the help of community members. We are looking for parents and community members
to volunteer as sport coaches. If you can assist in this capacity, please contact Mr. Schmidt
at the school.

“Smile” you may be “on camera”. The school is now equipped with video surveillance
both inside and on the school grounds.

Positive student engagement is a school goal along with the academic ones of reading and
math. The “Clavet Way” is the mantra for educating and nurturing students to have
respect for self, respect for others and respect for property. Working with parents we
want students to become successful academic and morally responsible individuals.
Teachers will present material during health classes, homeroom times, and with invited


Policy & Guidelines