SCC Constitution

Constitution of the

Clavet School Community Council

Adopted March 26, 2007


A Shared Vision

A respectful community of lifelong learners.



To involve family and community in supporting the learning success and well being of our students and children.


Guiding Principles

The Clavet School Community Council:

Ø      Is an integral, purposeful and valued component of school division governance.

Ø      Is inclusive of the community and representative of the students in the school.

Ø      Focuses on student learning and well-being.

Ø      Aligns itself strategically with school, division and provincial goals and initiatives.

Ø      Encourages awareness of global learning opportunities.

Ø      Is accountable, transparent and responsive in its relationship with parents, the school, and the community.

Ø      Honours the right to privacy of individuals and treats all information they are privy to with appropriate discretion and sensitivity.

Ø      Develops shared responsibility for learning success and well-being of children and youth.

Ø      Encourages and facilitates parent and community engagement in school planning and improvement processes.

Ø      Provides guidance and direction from a lay perspective to the school, the Board and community organizations and agencies.


Purpose of the School Community Council

The purpose of the Council is to serve in an advisory capacity.  The council will receive information about the school and advise and support the development and delivery of the School Plan for Improved School Learning.   The Council is also to oversee those issues identified in the legislation, such as fees, fundraising, etc.


Clavet School Council Composition

School Community Councils will be comprised of two kinds of members:  representative members (with parents in the majority) and permanent members.

Parents will form the majority of the elected membership, which will include five to nine elected parent and community members who are representative of the student demographics in the school.

Appointed members will include:

  • the principal (and/or designate(s) reporting to the principal of the school);
  • one teacher;
  • one or two secondary students(as appointed by the SRC);
  • Indian Band representatives where one or more students attends off-reserve.


Structure and Officers

Council members shall serve two-year terms, commencing after the general election to be held each spring.  One half of the Council shall be replaced annually to provide for continuity.

There shall be an executive elected annually from the Elected members of the Council.  They will typically be elected at the first meeting following the general election each spring.  The executive shall consist of a Chairperson, a Vice-Chairperson and a Secretary.


Roles and Responsibilities of Officers

The Chairperson will:

  • conduct meetings of the Council.
  • ensure that all members have input to discussion and decisions
  • prepare meeting agendas in consultation with the Principal and other Council Members.
  • oversee operations of the Council.
  • establish networks that support the Council.
  • act as a spokesperson for the Council.


The Vice-Chairperson will:

  • support the Chairperson in his/her duties, taking over when the Chairperson is unable to attend.
  • perform responsibilities assigned by the Chairperson and Council.


The Secretary will:

  • take minutes at Council meetings.
  • receive and send correspondence on behalf of the Council.
  • take charge of any official records of the Council.
  • maintain a membership list of all the Members of the Council.
  • ensure that appropriate notice is given for all meetings of the Council.



The School Community Council is allocated an annual budget at the discretion of the Prairie Spirit School Division.  This budget is administered by the school administration and can only be accessed by a motion of the School Community Council.


School Community Council Sub-Committees

Sub-committees may be appointed on an ad-hoc basis.  All sub-committees shall exist at the will of the Council and shall report to the Council.  Any sub-committee decisions and recommendations must be approved by the Council.


Clavet School Community Council Schedule of Meetings

The Council shall have a minimum of five meetings per year plus an annual meeting.  The date and time shall be decided upon at the first meeting in the fall of each year


Provision for Special Meetings

The School Community Council Executive may convene Special Meetings.


Public Communication/Consultation

  • The primary means of consulting with the public shall be through the regular meetings that are open to the public The public may informally talk with Council members prior to the meeting and suggest that their concern may be worthy of the Council’s consideration.
  • The Annual Meeting will serve as an opportunity to report and consult with  the community at large.
  • Public communication and consultation strategies can include the following forms of communication: written, verbal, media and information networks.



Council Code of Conduct

A School Council Member shall:

  • Be guided by the overall vision and purpose of School Community Councils.
  • Practice the highest standards of honesty and integrity.
  • Recognize and respect each member of the school community.
  • Encourage a positive atmosphere where individual contributions are encouraged and valued.
  • Contribute to consensus building.
  • Consider the best interests of all students.
  • Use the appropriate communication channels when questions or concerns arise, respect the confidential and sensitive nature of some discussions and only proceed with these considerations in mind.
  • Declare any conflict of interest.
  • Endeavor to be familiar with school and Division policies and operating practices and act in accordance with them.


Decision-making Processes 

The Council believes that consensus is the desired goal when making decisions; however, it recognizes that there are times that the majority vote model is most appropriate. 

In-camera meetings may be held by the Council as deemed necessary by the members.

Procedures for Suggestions and Concerns 

Procedures for Suggestions and Concerns with respect to School Related Issues and Council Operational Issues

1.      Any matter concerning an individual student or staff member must be directed in the following order: Teacher, Principal, Superintendent, and Director.  It is not the responsibility of the School Community Council to deal with concerns about individuals other than to direct the concern to the appropriate individual.

  1. Members of the School Community Council need to exercise flexibility when responding to suggestions and concerns related to the operations and responsibilities of the Council.  Generally, suggestions and concerns fall into two categories:


    1. Informal Suggestion or Concern Procedure

 Suggestions or concerns about Council initiatives or activities which are expressed informally to members of the Council may be addressed immediately by the Council Member.  If Council Members are unsure of the appropriate response, they will advise accordingly and follow-up with the individual in an appropriate manner.  Council Member must follow through with these commitments and they must determine if responses are received in a satisfactory manner.   If the individual is not satisfied with the response, the Council Member should explain how the suggestion or concern could be brought to the attention of the Council in a more formal manner.  Council members may wish to keep a record of informal suggestions or concerns as patterns may provide them with valuable information in evaluating their operations.

    1. Formal Suggestion or Concern Procedure

Suggestions or concerns can be brought to the attention of the School Community Council in a formal manner in:

 i writing

ii by presenting the suggestion/concern at a School Community Council meeting with proper advance notice about attendance .

 Council will provide a written response regarding how they have or will address the suggestion or concern.